Your Place or Mine?
Written for Oasis magazine, Living in Egypt Love is the home you find in someone, I wrote in the February issue of Oasis, followed by a...

GloLo Career
Usually when I write about multicultural relationships, I focus on the positive aspects. It is so fantastic, I write, to have a partner...

Canada - Hotbed for the globalisation of love
Often I am asked about the best cultural combination for a GloLo relationship, a question to which there is no definitive answer. It...

Afro-Viking on Interracial Relationships
In this article, Heidi W. Durrow, author of the New York Times bestseller The Girl Who Fell From the Sky writes about interracial...

Rutherford - Giersch GloLo Custoday Battle
Both the news and the gossip tabloids have been covering a story about American actress Kelly Rutherford who is engaged in a bitter...

No Secret to a Successful Multicultural Relationship!
Living in Egypt Oasis magazine asked me to write about the secrets to a successful multicultural relationship for their July/August...

Going Native
As odd as it may sound, I am actually cognisant of the first time I heard the expression ‘going native’. It was in an introductory social...

What is Love?
At the risk of being excessively philosophical for a Wednesday afternoon, did you ever really think about the meaning of love? It may...

Expats, Immigrants and the globalisation of love
Here is something I wrote for The Displaced Nation about the difference between the term ‘expat’ and ‘GloLo’. At the risk of sounding...

What is a GloLo, anyway?
Proudly, I’ve noticed in various book reviews and blogs that the term GloLo is making its way into common English parlance. In The...