Valentine's Day Girls Get Together
On Valentine's Day, Andrea Garrison and I sat together and had a good laugh about relationships and the globalisation of love. Listen...
Rick Busby Live!
During the opening ceremony of the 2012 Olympics, Rick Busby and I had a nice chat about The Globalisation of Love. Listen here!
Chad Hunter Interview
Here is an interview with Chad Hunter, author of The Inner Wife. Chad is a relationship expert AND a GloLo husband so he knows how to ask...
Serial Expat Asks 12 Questions!
Kate Reuterswärd is an American, a serial expat, and a travel addict who has been lured to Sweden by love had 12 questions about The...
Lou and Lou on CNY Urban Guy
One of my proudest moments in doing interviews for The Globalisation of Love is to be called a “dear heart” by Lou Barile, host of...
World Famous Jiggy Jaguar
Here I am with the world famous Jiggy Jaguar on KJAG Radio. Since I showed up a bit late (sorry Jiggy!), the interview starts at 4...
Interview with Girl Power Bernadine Feagins
Girl Power Interview
The Love Zone USA
I guess my claim to fame with this interview is that 10 time Grammy-award winning Chaka Khan was a guest on the show one week later. Here...
eHealth Interview with Eric Michaels
Everybody wants to know about the GloLoTini! Listen to the full interview to hear about the GloLoTini here!
Triangle Variety Radio
Patrick Walters, The Quantum Universe author turned radio host had me as a guest on Triangle Variety Radio earlier this week. The show...