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Confessions of a New Author

In my last blog, I wrote about a couple of book reviews on The Globalisation of Love and the associated feeling of loss of control over ‘my’ book, you know, confessions of a new author type of thing. I will dare this topic once again.

In addition to book reviews, invited or otherwise, another part of launching The Globalisation of Love into the world is the interview process. I have been lucky in that many radio hosts are interested in multicultural romance, and my book in particular, so I have been interviewed for several different shows. Since I love talking about GloLo relationships (and my family has grown weary of this subject over the past couple of years), it is fabulous to have a real live professional spark up some questions for a good discussion.

A couple of weeks ago, I was interviewed for Beef Stew Radio ( , a crack Harlem based internet radio show that focuses current topics and affairs, particularly dealing with race relations, so The Globalisation of Love fit in perfectly. (‘Crack’, by the way, means really cool and funky for anyone who ‘don’t know the jive’.) The show airs at 11:00 pm in New York which is 5:00 am in Vienna so I was up early that morning for the interview.

Dj Big Stew, the host and THE KAP-ER, the co-host, both fun and funny, created the framework for a great interview with excellent questions and they had even read the book! So I was ‘gettin’ my book on’ with the brothers and feeling quite relaxed in the interview when The Worst Thing Possible happened. No, the connection was not disrupted. That would have been awkward but quickly overcome by redialling with another phone or even iPad. Nor did I accidentally ‘use the F word’. I could have covered that up by claiming that I was saying something in German. No, what happened while I was talking to Dj Big Stew and THE KAP-ER, two cool dudes from the ‘hood, is that my two and half year old daughter woke up and came bursting into the room screaming “Mommy, mommy, mommy” with outstretched arms. So what is a mommy/soon-to-be-best-selling author to do? Introduce her to the audience obviously. Many thanks to Dj Big Stew who was professional, gracious and very cool about it. To listen to the full interview, including a guest appearance by the GloLo toddler, click here:



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10/31/23:  Scandinavian Art Show


11/6/23:  Video Art Around The World


11/29/23:  Lecture: History of Art


12/1/23:  Installations 2023 Indie Film Festival

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